Cronulla Residence
Photo by Amber RoadDiscover contemporary deck design inspiration

Whether you are about to build a new deck or balcony, inspect your existing home or a property you are purchasing, its very important that outdoor timbers and metal brackets are up to standard and up to the job they are performing, which in the case of decks and balconies is load bearing, and you don’t want any risks of failure there!

Whilst your deck may be perfectly fine, there is a chance it may not be and the article on the Institute of Building Consultants Inc. website, which we refer to below, highlights the risks associated with a poorly constructed deck or decks that may have rusted metal brackets or poor quality timber.

As well as the types of timber and construction methods used, quality galvanised or stainless steel timber connector brackets and fixings should be used for timber decks and balconies.

We also suggest, even if Stainless Steel hasn’t been specified, Stainless Steel Timber Connectors should be used on any decks and balconies within 1-6 kilometres of the coast depending on the type of salt water in the proximity (eg surf, exposed, calm).

An article on Institute of Building Consultants Inc. website talks about deck collapses in Australia in recent times which have resulted in injuries and deaths and note that coastal properties are in a high risk category due to the harsh environment and salt damage to metal brackets and fixings.  See the full article here…