Spot the difference in these building brackets?

These two images of the commonly used Multi Grip building bracket are an interesting study.  At first glance yes, both images of these galvanised building brackets are lined up like five little soldiers.  But then something looks a bit different…

Yes, that’s it. in the bottom image the shape of each bracket is the same but the centre slot is in the opposite end of one.  Then you might notice that some of the nail holes are close to or on the very edge of the bracket.

Ok sure, these are not VUETRADE products, but we just want to note a few things of importance:

  1. The number of nails used to install a building bracket directly impacts the load rating that will be achieved.
  2. Similarly, the amount of spacing between the nail holes and the amount of spacing between the edge of the bracket and a nail hole also directly impact the ability to achieve the correct rating.

VUETRADE’s product speaks for itself, manufactured to achieve consistency and tested for compliance to the relevant Australian Standards.

Disclaimer: VUETRADE does not seek to claim that all alternative product is faulty, rather to highlight to those in the building industry that a defective bracket will not ensure the required ratings in the Australian Standards.

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