Technical Data

VUETRADE Timber Connectors Technical Data Information

You can find all Product TDS (Technical Data Sheets) for VUETRADE Timber Connectors on the individual product pages or in the Compliance Guide (available as a PDF in below link).

See links for other VUETRADE Resources at the bottom of this page – Installation Guides, Specification Guides and handy Industry Links.

If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to contact the VUETRADE Team
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It’s easier to be compliant when you have the resources
Technical Data, Design Capacities and Installation Guides are conveniently located on each Product Page on the VUETRADE website.
But did you know that they can also be found within the Compliance Guide which is available for ready download as a PDF, or as an A5 booklet at your local VUETRADE supplier?
Compliance Guide
(~20 MB)


This statement is issued by Bellevue Group Australasia to certify that the method of testing and VUETRADE Timber Connector products listed below, not limited to, comply with the minimum requirement set out by the relevant Australian Standard and National Construction Code.


This confirms that VUETRADE Builder’s Strapping as listed below fully comply with the minimum requirement outlined by the Australian Standard AS1684.2:2021 Residential timber-framed construction; Part 2: Non-cyclonic areas; AS1684.3:2021 Residential timber-framed construction Part 3: Cyclonic Areas; and AS1684.4-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Part 4: Simplified – Non Cyclonic Areas for application in wall bracing.
Product Dimensions30mm x 0.8mm30mm x 1.0mm30mm x 1.2mm
Product CodeVB3086,
Fully comply
to the
outlined in
AS1684.2 &
Table 8.18
part (b) and
part (d)
Table 8.18
part (b) and
part (d)
Table 8.18
part (b) and
part (d)
Fully comply
to the
outlined in
Table 8.3
part (b) and
part (d)
Table 8.3
part (b) and
part (d)
Table 8.3
part (b) and
part (d)
VUETRADE Builder’s Strapping products are manufactured with steel grade G300 and have a corrosion protection of Z275 therefore satisfy the minimum requirement outlined in:
  • Clause 1.15 of AS1684.2:2021 for minimum material and corrosion protection of G300 and Z275 respectively;
  • Clause 1.15 of AS1684.3:2021 for minimum material and corrosion protection of G300 and Z275 respectively; and
  • Clause 1.14 of AS1684.4-2010 for minimum material and corrosion protection of G300 and Z275 respectively.


This confirms that VUETRADE Timber Connectors products i.e. VUETRADE Mini Grip (VTMG57), Multi Grip (VTMG100, VTMG115), Triple Grip (VTTG), Cyclonic Straps (VTCS), Joist Hanger (VJH), Tap in Plates (VTIP) etc are manufactured with steel grade G300 and have a corrosion protection of Z275, therefore satisfied the minimum requirement outlined in:
  • Clause 1.15 of AS1684.2:2021 for minimum material and corrosion protection of G300 and Z275 respectively;
  • Clause 1.15 of AS1684.3:2021 for minimum material and corrosion protection of G300 and Z275 respectively; and
  • Clause 1.14 of AS1684.4-2010 for minimum material and corrosion protection of G300 and Z275 respectively. .
Design Capacities derived and compiled for technical data for products aforementioned are derived for timber joint group defined in AS1720.1-2010 Timber Structures Part 1: Design methods and AS1720.2-2006 Timber Structures Part 2: Timber Properties.


This confirms that VUETRADE Post Supports i.e. Bolt Down Post Supports (VBPS), Full Stirrup Post Support (VPS) etc satisfied the requirements of the following Australian Standards and Building Codes:
  • Post supports are hot dipped galvanised as defined by the National Construction Code (NCC2022) – minimum protective coating requirements of 300g/m2 suitable for severe external environment.
  • Design Capacities are derived for timber joint group defined in AS1720.1-2010 Timber Structures Part 1: Design methods and AS1720.2-2006 Timber Structures Part 2: Timber Properties.
  • Where possible, termite management requirements outlined by AS3660.1:2014 Termite Management Part 1: New Building Work Figure 3.1(D).


This confirms that VUETRADE Brick Ties products i.e. Light/Medium Duty Brick Veneer Ties, Expansion Ties etc. satisfy the minimum requirement outlined by the following Australian Standard:
  • VUETRADE Brick Ties and Expansion Ties have been tested by recognised external laboratory for compressive, tensile strength of wall ties and water transfer resistance in accordance with Appendix B and E of AS2699.1:2020 Built-in components for masonry construction, Part 1: Wall Ties and fully comply to the requirements outlined in AS2699.1:2020 and AS3700:2018.
  • VUETRADE Brick Ties are manufactured in Z600 Galvanised Steel therefore meet the durability criteria as outlined in Section 3 of AS2699.1:2020.


This is to confirm that VUETRADE product range listed in (1), (2) and (3) were tested, regulated, and managed by VUETRADE’s Technical and Engineering team based on the critical criteria as follows:
  • VUETRADE products were tested fully adhering to the steps and requirements outlined in AS1649-2001 Timber – Methods of test for mechanical fasteners and connectors – Basic working loads and characteristic strengths;
  • Design Capacities of VUETRADE products were derived and calculated based on requirements and recommendations outlined in AS1720.1-2010 Timber Structures Part 1: Design methods and Part 2: Timber Properties, Technical Data are prepared, updated and regulated by qualified engineer; VUETRADE timber products are tested and conducted in VUETRADE testing lab adhering to steps and requirements of AS1649-2001, using MTS Universal Testing Machine (Model: MTS-SANS CMT5105) and is operated by trained and qualified engineer who is fully versed with the relevant Australian Standards and Australian Building Code; The testing machine is verified and validated by a NATA registered laboratory.
  • VUETRADE owned MTS Testing Machine is fully calibrated up-to-date by NATA accredited Australian Calibrating Services to Australian Standard AS2193-2005 and is certified to produce accurate data which is directly imported to Technical Data Sheet, downloadable for each product on the VUETRADE website;
  • VUETRADE also source independent laboratory tests i.e. LMATS and specialised spectrometer testing to perform range of tests i.e. product material tests, galvanised coating tests, stainless grades and complex connector strength tests.

Our product

