We are delighted to award Platinum Distributor Store of the Month for July 2018 to Pontings Home Timber & Hardware in beautiful Warrnambool, Victoria. Stocking a comprehensive range of VUETRADE product, Pontings is your go to in Warrnambool for quality Timber Connectors.
Pontings have a long history in Warrnambool, servicing the area with hardware since 1923! ‘The strength of our business today and over the past 90 years is due to the loyalty and friendship of the Warrnambool and the Western District community. It is our goal to continue supplying this area with the highest quality products and services available and to continually enhance the range of products that we supply to an ever-changing market. Supplying timber and hardware is what we love to do…’
Our Sales Rep Jason Shedden caught up with Garry and Greg during his regular store visit last month and Brendan Raven answered the below questions for us:
What is it about your Store that makes it a place that Tradies love to buy from? Our range is quite extensive and has been selected to suit our trade customer and the location within this state being a seaside environment. We have listened to what they require and have ensured we have adequate stock to cover their most commonly requested items on a daily basis.
Do you believe it’s all about location when it comes to business or is it unique products & customer service? This store has a great footprint being located in the middle of town making it easy access for the trade as well as the D.I.Y. market to attend each day. Providing great customer service in a friendly manner and atmosphere provides them with the confidence with who they are dealing with regularly.
We look forward to supporting you!!! When is your next Trade Event going to be held & where? We are constantly having tradie brekkies with the assistance of our supply partners and will no doubt be organising something with yourselves in the near future.